Sobre nós
VIVER OS SIMPLES PRAZERES – Com conforto e estilo
É com este mantra que nasce a L’atelier Bossa Brazil.
Com modelagens confortáveis e versáteis, a L’atelier Bossa traz uma proposta de peças easy wear, para o uso em diferentes experiências: resort, country e cidade.
As peças são feitas com materiais de primeira qualidade, possuem acabamento sofisticado e são projetadas para os diferentes corpos, valorizando a beleza natural e evocando a confiança e elegância de quem as veste. Entregam o easy chic way of life, sem esforço e ostentação - mas com muita bossa.
L’atelier Bossa é LifeStyle; um convite a se conectar com a natureza, família e amigos para celebrar bons momentos. É viver intensamente essas experiências e trazê-las para o dia a dia se permitindo criar um novo olhar para o mundo.
LIVING THE SIMPLE PLEASURES - In comfort and style
It is with this mantra that L'atelier Bossa Brasil is born.
With comfortable and versatile models, L'atelier Bossa brings a proposal of easy wear outfits, for use in different experiences: resort, country and city.
The pieces are made with top quality materials, have a sophisticated finish and are designed for different bodies, valuing natural beauty and evoking the confidence and elegance of who is wearing it. They deliver the easy chic lifestyle, effortless and without ostentatious - but with a lot of bossa*.
L'atelier Bossa is LifeStyle; it is an invitation to connect with nature, family and friends to celebrate good times. It is to live these experiences intensely and bring them to your daily life, allowing yourself to create a new look at the world.
*Bossa is an expression for something done with particular charm, natural flair. Had it’s origins at the Brazilian music movement called Bossa Nova, that evolved in the late 1950s from a union of samba (a Brazilian dance and music) and cool jazz.